Sunday, May 17, 2009

Marshmallow Fondant

What really is the point of having a lovely cake if it tastes horrible?

Last summer I took a fondant course but have only made one cake with fondant since then.   Most fondant makes people gag.  Really, it's bad-especially the pre-made versions.  Having experienced bad fondant before when I took my class I made my own marshmallow fondant and took pity on everyone else with their cute but horrible tasting cakes.  Sure, you can have buttercream underneath the fondant so cake eaters can just peal the fondant off and still have the frosting but what a waste of time.  There are a few other DIY fondant recipes I've been wanting to try out (especially the buttercream fondant) but haven't gotten around to yet.  

Making fondant seems like somewhat of a daunting task but having done it several times now it gets easier and easier.  It's very sticky, but once you get over the mess of that it's not so intimidating.

I used a recipe found on Cake Central.  The steps are helpful but slightly misleading.  Don't use all of sugar!  It takes more like 1 and 1/2 lbs.  Just add it until it's thick enough basically.  

So for this cake for no occasion I wanted it to be white on white and had this cake for inspiration that I saw a few days ago.  I used some left over chocolate ganache from the cupcakes I made on Thursday for the filling along with vanilla buttercream.  I'm planning on taking it to work tomorrow so that we can have some sort of reward for making it through the first day of EOG testing.    Marshmallow, buttercream, chocolate ganache????   Usually once I get done with a cake project I'm kinda over it but I really can't wait to try this combination.   I have to wait to show it off before I can cut it though!!!

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