Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I promised... and 3rd graders never forget a promise.

We are studying adventure stories in 3rd grade this week and for our read aloud time (yes, I've actually kept up with this and have had it everyday so far) we've been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I couldn't have planned it any better because as it turns out Roald Dahl's birthday is September 13th.  And in the world of children's literature, celebrating famed author's birthdays is a big deal.

Today the kids designed their own golden tickets that were really funny and cute.  Then during reading time I told them that I had just found out that the author's birthday was coming up soon.  They were way excited and then I casually mentioned that we should throw him an all chocolate birthday party.  Well, that was it.  They planned out the entire menu- chocolate cake with chocolate icing, chocolate candy everything, and hot chocolate.  I'm never one to turn down a party or chocolate so I think I'll go along with it.  I'm coming up with a lot of ideas so we might just go all out and invite the school librarian.  Although, it will be cleverly and very smartly planned for next Friday at 2:30 which will be just enough time for all of the chocolate festivities so they can then get on the bus to go home to their parents at 3:15.  If you've never seen 19 eight year olds loaded on school party sweets then it is something you should witness at least once in your life.  

And also, I still really prefer Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka as opposed to Johnny Depp.

A little creepy...     
Very much creepy...


  1. Oh my goodness, this is perhaps one of the most wonderful/frightening ideas I've ever heard. I would be very tempted to do the same thing with my kids (agreeing with the last-thing-on-Friday clause) but our first science unit is "Food and Nutrition" so I probably ought to have a veggie fest or something. Maybe I need to dig up "Charlie and the Food Pyramid" or something, lol.

  2. It's not going to be the menu they planned. I already know that for sure. That'd be out of control. I'm sure I could get some fruit in there somewhere...
